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Library Collection Named in Honor of Peter Veracka

The long-awaited formal recognition of Mr. Peter Veracka, MSLS, retired Director of Library Services, took place September 30th, the Feast of Saint Jerome, patron saint of librarians. Peter retired officially on January 15, 2021, but due to the pandemic we were unable to have an official celebration at that time.

Following Morning Prayer and Mass, the seminary community, as well as friends present for the Alumni Day reunion, gathered for a special breakfast. Words of tribute were given by professor Dr. Kevin Poole; Father Steven Beseau, Rector/President, announced that the theological holdings of the A.T. Wehrle Memorial Library have been renamed the “Peter Veracka Theological Collection.” The library shelves holding the collection now bear a special medallion and a framed acknowledgement will be hung near the library entrance – lasting tributes to our friend and colleague’s 45 years of dedicated service to the Josephinum.

Pictured: Peter with Father Beseau and library staff member Michelle Brown; Peter stands near the library collection now bearing his name, with long-time colleagues and friends Beverly Lane and Michelle Brown.

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